Monday, August 23, 2010


At the end of each day one is required to rest. I was watching a video clip of a young man inspiring young people to succeed. He said that some of the top performers want to succeed so badly that they don't remember that they haven't eaten or slept. You wonder how much would you give up to succeed when you hear those stories.

If you stretch too much, you might not have enough use for anything eventually but then again if you do NOT stretch too much you never become anything. The key is balance. I suppose we will spend the rest of our lives trying to find that place of balance or perhaps the key is to overstretch than to understretch. (I am of course rambling)

I made it to camp. It was really good. I had to let go off several mindsets that I had before. That made all the difference. While there, I realize that there are a few things that I do that could be changed so that I can be a better person. The theme was "Hope for Tomorrow". They did a tremendous play afterwards. It should have been recorded. I loved it so much. I realize more than every that I love to work with young people. I just feel my bowels of compassion move (perhaps that is not such a good analogy but) when I have to work with them. I don't claim to understand them and that is o.k. for me now. I just want to sow a seed in their lives and just allow myself to love them. I will see the areas that God will lead me into where that is concerned.

I am taking this week to rest as i hinted at the before. I did make my list of things to do for the summer but that statement "Man plans and God wipes out" really came through for me. Now, a women's conference, two camps, VBS, etc later, I can say this was the most productive summer I have ever spent. I loved it!

I still have my dreams and still have quite a few things I want to do. I am listening for a call to get into that school. It will not be too much for me. I am giving You thanks Lord for all that You have done! Thank You!

Friday, August 13, 2010

In His Time...He Makes All Things Beautiful

It has been a little while since I blogged. So much has been going on. Eugene Peterson in The Message Bible said "Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you'll recover your life. I'll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me--learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won't lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you'll live freely and lightly." Matthew 11:28-30.

Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. You know for all the challenges that people have to face on a daily basis, grace is necessary to take you through. What we need is to know that we have a Savior (you know that some people get upset at our Savior(?)). Our Savior said in John 16:33 again from The Message Bible, "I've told you all this so that trusting me, you will be unshakable and assured, deeply at peace. IN THIS GODLESS WORLD YOU WILL CONTINUE TO EXPERIENCE DIFFICULTIES. But take heart! I've conquered the world." The KJV put is this way, "In the world you will have tribulation".

A pregnant mother at the beginning of her time many times undergoes morning sickness. Now when she has to keep losing her food, if someone is looking on they do not take her to the hospital and there is not much concern because this is what is supposed to be. If that woman was not pregnant then if she loses her food there will be cause for concern because what triggers it is not known and has to be identified as not life threatening.

Ease and relieve. The Message Bible again. Lord just bless Your word unto our hearts.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Working Tools

I am going to do a proper review of The Manual. I may even read it again before I do so. Tonight, I am looking at educational tools. I needed to make a list in one place so I can have them to share:
The overall resource site is:

  • Wink ( and presentation software on how to use software.
  • Alice programming for students ( 3-D storytelling software
  • Scratch ( a programming language to create interactive stories, games, music and art.
I want to allow the students to create flash cards for definitions and I need a tool to record questions for them to be able to do.

What is the difference between a feature and a benefit? Let's take a $500K Ferrari sports car.

What are the features? Made by the best European car designers, hand-made Italian leather seats and expensive coverings, lifetime guarantee on all parts.

What are the benefits? You will have the most famous sports car in the world, you will be recognized as someone with style, flair and real class; and you'll be envied by your peers.
This information was taken from (

Another site has information on the difference between features, benefits, and advantages.

FEATURE: A fact or a characteristic of a product.

ADVANTAGE: Something that makes your product better than that of your competitor product or a substitute product.

BENEFIT: What the customer is looking for [needs/wants] or something that will help your customer in getting the job done, easier or better or faster.

I just had to put that in there as well although the two topics are quite unrelated presently.

Here ends this night's search. I will continue at some later time. (More than likely a few hours from now)

Monday, August 9, 2010

Writing it into Being

On July 24, 2010, I went to "Auntie's bookstore" and was looking in "my" section of the bookshop--the Christian books section. Usually I do not look at the novels on the left or I do look but shield my eyes. I do not want certain things before my eyes. Somehow, however, I glanced up to the top shelf and this one book kept staring at me just like Karen Kingsbury's Return stared out at me at the parish library. (I need to be aware of the signs.)

The book had a white cover with a serene picture of a man and a woman standing arms crossed and at arms length (well not arms length but they might as well have been) looking at each other against a faded background of the sea (I is not that clear). The name: The Manual by Sherryle Kiser Jackson. I read the back cover copy and realized, much to my glee, that it was a Christian novel.

It was about a week before that I was wondering if there were any Jamaican authors and I found one Joy Campbell. Now it seems the Holy Spirit was leading me to find others. Christian authors in addition. I completed the book today. It was not the style of a certain female author and there were grammatical and spelling errors in a few places but the whole story just has motivated me to go ahead. It is time for me to write. So I will write.

I found out that the book was published by a publisher Urban Christian (I am getting happy about it). I guess I will give a better review of it later since it is late in the night. I could not relate to some of the mannerisms in the book except by what I have seen on television... behavior from urban America I assume. The plot was quite lovely though. I actually smiled at some points. I am not sure but I did not flow with it like I usually would. And yes, I was playing the critic. I actually expected that Deidre was going to write a manual on child-rearing but I saw that it took another twist. I loved how the sermons were written seamlessly into the book and how Andre took responsibility of his child eventually finding Christ. I wonder if I will reread it to get a better view of it.

I perhaps will...