Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Yesterday is gone...tomorrow will soon be here...

Today was a good day. I went at 10:00 to assist some people to complete their project or just to lend presence to the matter. I turned in my transcript form so it can be sent off to where I want to go to study. Lord make all things new.

Bill Burns said that we needed to draw near to God. I will come away.

I haven't written anything yet and I realize there is more research I can do. I wrote out some things in my little black book but I want to do some more study on Chemosh. I will keep working on it.

I am going off to camp. I am to help out with the children. I need to keep my spiritual ears open to the Word of the Lord so I can minister well. I am not sure how much I will be asked to do. It will go well though. Learning experiences...

I may feel comfortable writing some shorter passages. I need to edit that short story also. It will work out if I put in information that paints a picture of where he has been and so I will work on it. It might not be true to life but that part is missing.

I need to go to sleep now. . (full stop)

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Training in Godliness

A new day with new possibilities and it is almost done. Church was really good today. It was one of those day when you just get ready and go. Pastor gave us some more insight on some things that he was going through to overcome (that is the way I will put it). The message was about Training in Godliness. I wish I had the sound file for it. I would love to repeat it in my head for the next two weeks or more. Circumcision of the heart! Remember that? It was such a message. Love of God and love of neighbor. It is training to get us to do what is necessary to do the right thing. Repentance is what Jackie McCullough preached about as I listened to her message "A Call to Repentance" but they called it "A House Visit". It is about preaching Jesus Christ. That is presently a bad word and for all who hate the name, what had Jesus ever done to them? I mean come on...the guy comes and dies for us sacrificing Himself so we can be in right relationship with God and we hate Him? I don't understand. Let's leave that for a while tho...

I have to put a plan in place with the Word as the primary base in order to do what I need to do to live godly. Training plan...I must work out a training program...I don't want to do it "my way". I want to do it Your way. So help me to work out this plan. I think it will be exciting. We are back on 30 days of thanksgiving and praise.

If when I go through this program I am better to be around who will be upset about that? Do you know that people will be? I don't understand. Let's leave that for a while too...

Last night I was able to write some more objectives. I can't wait to begin to put the activities in place. In the past I loved to work on content and work everything around it but I am changing my strategy.

I am wanting to wrap my mind around the "video" of my book. You know if you can see it then you can write it and I want to write it. I am going to work on some more objectives.

I will be going to Intecessors Camp to help with the children. God will give me the grace to help. That is not an area that I feel I am strong in and that might be the best thing so that You can do You work in me.

Until tomorrow...

Friday, July 23, 2010

Yesterday's gone and I am looking forward to Tomorrow

Yesterday was a good day. I spent the day helping out so I can collect my projects to be marked. The A/C was on and I got an opportunity to work on the objectives for my lesson plans for Module 1. I actually finished up when I got home.

Today I had hoped to get back on it but I was up and down walking. I bought Where Yesterday Lives and said that I should have read it a long time ago. I am trying to catch up. I haven't done any farming. I am just out of it for a while. Mi clide a hit. I should be up and running in a few days thought.

Amos 3:6 Shall a trumpet be blown in the city, and the people not be afraid? shall there be evil in a city, and the LORD hath not done it? 3:7 Surely the Lord GOD will do nothing, but he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets. I think these verses are very instructive and yes I did change the subject abruptly. You see, I do that sometimes.

Finally, (and I am not really following writing protocol) I want to complete some of the things that I had hoped to do today. Tomorrow.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

The Continuation

Today was a good day. If I can give God thanks at the end of it then it was good. I did get upset over a matter today but I asked God for help and God sent someone with the right advice for me and so I will have to get on it tomorrow.

Yesterday I wrote out some goals that I wanted to accomplish today. I did not do the laundry but I think I might just get it done tomorrow. I wrote a few sub-objectives (if there are such things) for the objectives of the sixth form syllabus.

Back to my initial subject. I learnt an important lesson today. God will send help. I was really upset but in spite of that God sent help that I asked for. Lord I am grateful! Thank You!

A lady whose book I read spoke about visual stressors. Those are things that lie around reminding you of what needs to be done and she says that every time you see it your brain actually goes through the process of getting it done and so it can cause you to be tired. I have to get rid of the visual stressors from around me. I guess that is why I felt that way about that project. Tomorrow what do I want to do?
  • Laundry
  • Sixth Objectives
  • My project to be done (will remain nameless)

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Getting it all Done

Someone once said that the journey of a thousand miles starts with one step. I have decided to make a plan for each step for this summer of mine. Professor McKeegan indirectly gave me some advice through his YouTube video. He said, do something for the person that you will be in the next five years. I wont say what I want to be doing in the next five years but I do know what I want to be.

Already I have accomplished a lot more today than I thought I would. I had me my list of four things to do. As I said yesterday, I would normally complete one and beat myself up over not finishing everything but I have a new strategy. This was my list:
  • Why Study Doctrine 1 - print out the sheet so that the listening can be done
  • Complete the cooperative Learning Activity
  • Make a better outline for the Ruth Story
  • Galatians 5-6
I printed out the sheets already. I got up to lesson 8 I believe. I completed the cooperative learning activity. Didn't think i would. I did not get to the outline for the Ruth Story and I still have time either listen to or read Galatians 5 & 6.

I think I have taken too much time "if-ing" and "but-ing" about making mistakes in any form of artwork or writing. I just need to step out, get my techniques, follow them and then since I love to edit especially writing then I can always do the editing.

Tomorrow what should I do?
  • Perhaps laundry
  • Go to Bishop.. to do the collection
  • Re-read Galatians in its entirety
  • Do the course outline for the sixth formers Phylina D. style
It is time to do the work!

Monday, July 19, 2010

Summer Holidays are Here?

I have been sitting for a while wondering how to organize all I have to (that means what i want to personally) do this summer. Obviously, I am supposed to be resting since I have been working non-stop since September 2008 but you know me. I haven't been labelled as a work-a-holic but I just like to have my time occupied doing something worthwhile. You may never hear me complain that I am bored. I still think that boredom means that you don't want to do anything. There is so much to be done!

Here is what I want to do this summer:
  • Study Pastoral Ministry Content
  • Calculus Review
  • Sixth Form Lesson Plans
  • Read Book 4 of the Sunrise Series, Burden of Freedom
  • Begin reading Galatians - Colossians
  • Listen to the children's CDs
  • Write my novel and outline the rest of the books.
Knowing me I may get through at least one of these and feel like I haven't accomplished anything.

What I have to do is to set a goal for each day to get some of this done without it being tedious. Already I am finding a lot of cool links for writing:
  • http://storysensei.blogspot.com/2008/08/top-ten-mistakes-i-see-in-fiction.html
  • http://storysensei.blogspot.com/2009/12/excerpt-novel-idea-by-chilibris.html
are some that I have found. Also, I had been wondering if there were any good Jamaican authors out there and from the Sunday Observer I found this article on one of them and got a link to her website.
  • http://joylcampbell.com
  • http://thejamaicanwriter.com/wordpress/
  • http://charsunleashed.wordpress.com/
That is a lot so far. I will keep posting as of today so that I will keep track of my progress.